Home learning 2021

Dear Year 2 Parents and Carers,

Below I am going to be adding some useful websites/songs that will help children in Year 2. 

I will also be adding some files that will help children in Year 2. I will continue to add to these. 


Website phonics play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

This is still free to access at the moment Username: jan21 password: home

Here children can play on the game and consolidate their knowledge of phase 2,3,4 and 5.


In the files I have added Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Children need to be able to read and spell these by the end of Year 2. I have added a phase 2-5 phonics mat so you can re-cap these at home. 


I have added the link for topmarks game hit the button, this is a great game that helps children with number bonds, halving, doubling etc


Multiplication game


Place Value games



Purple mash

Children have their log ins stuck in the front of their reading record folders. Children can log on and access lots of games that will help with their learning.





Files to Download

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