Faith Leaders

Each new academic year our Faith Leaders are chosen from the children in our Year 6 class.  It is a very special position of responsibilty for the children to hold, spreading the word of God throughout St Joseph's.  The Faith Leaders lead the rest of the school in religious prayer and reflection.  Ever year we have a Mission Week and the whole school comes together in prayer, singing and dancing with our Faith Leaders co-ordinating and planning the events for the week.

We are looking forward to introducing our Faith Leaders to our school community at the beginning of the school year.

Together as St Joseph's
We Learn to Love Following Jesus, Sharing our Gifts and
Building God's World


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Where we are

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Etchells Street, Stockport SK1 1EF
0161 480 5029

Who we are

Here at St. Joseph's we do our best to challenge and support all our children so that every child has the opportunity to excel and achieve their potential.

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