School Uniform
All children are required to wear school uniform and the co-operation of all parents is sought in maintaining this. Items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.
St Joseph's school uniform is as follows:
White shirt
Green and gold striped tie
Green jumper or cardigan -this can be plain or embossed with the school logo
Grey trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore
Checked green dress (Summer term)
Plain white polo shirt (Summer term)
Plain black flat shoes
Physical Education
Children should also have suitable clothing for PE and games
White T shirt
Dark shorts
Plimsolls (for inside) and trainers (for outside)
During the colder months children can wear a plain navy or black tracksuit for outside PE lessons.
Haircuts must be appropriate, hair should not be dyed. Long hair should be tied up.
Permitted jewellery consists of small studded, non jewelled earrings and wrist watches.
Items of uniform that do not include the school logo can be purchased from all large clothes retailers and supermarkets.
School jumpers and cardigans containing the school logo can be purchased from TopMarks Uniform Retailer - their details are:
Ties are available from Topmarks and/or the School Office.
Please contact the School Office if you need support in sourcing your child's school uniform.
We kindly request that any used uniform, in good condition, is donated to the Friends of St Joseph's.